Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good Morning, Rep. Jim DeMint!

I sat at my desk on this beautiful morning in Miami, working on taxes, yes, on taxes, watching TV and waiting for President Obama to sign the HealthCare Bill into the law of the land. What else could I ask for on this beautiful day? Therefore, I take a break from taxes to write for my blog.

Good morning, Mr. DeMint. Were you the one who screamed about how important it was for your Republican colleagues to stop President Obama from getting Healthcare relief through Congress? Were you the one who said that defeating President Obama on Healthcare reform was going to be his Waterloo and the Democratic Party’s defeat in the next elections? Mr. DeMint, have you changed your mind? You still have time.

Because you, Mr. DeMint, do not want to accept or to believe that our President means what he says: Hope and Change. You, and your colleagues, have been unwilling in your unbelief, to accept the reality of a person and a politician very different from what you are accustomed. Maybe, for the first time in your political life, you are seeing a President who has the intelligence, the ability and the will to offer serious Change to America. In addition, he has the American people’s support, which is exactly what you have lost, except for the Tea Partiers.

The Fox News choruses of eccentrics who pretend to define an America, which does not exist, are your most serious supporters. They will not be enough to help you implement your ideas and to continue exercising your inability to govern as a public servant. The people you pretend to serve are those who live enamored of “cowboy movies” and “masters of the universe” novels. People who are constantly afraid of the possibilities, while ignoring the realities of life. People who complain about taxes, government debt, budget deficits, and loss of personal freedom. People who are not willing to pay what it costs to live in a society that is the envy of the entire world.

They, the eccentrics in Fox News and Congress, are not the real Americans who strive unsuccessfully for an opportunity to find work, who see their relatives live in sickness or die without any relief from the institutions that are supposed to help them. Real Americans who retire from work after long careers paying taxes, and saving, not being able to afford the necessities of life. These eccentrics are not the people who first had Hope and believed in Change. The change that you and your followers could not and cannot see is happening now. It is Change we can believe in, and since there was not a Waterloo, why not come up with a different name? Maybe next time you could be successful, assuming you are on the winner’s side.

Have a good day, Mr. DeMint. It is a beautiful day in Miami today!
Now, back to finish my taxes.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps, if you wish to take another break from your taxes, and if you tire of gloating, you might take a few minutes and read (or re read if you are familliar with the tale) the story of briar rabbit. Yes indeed, I think Mr hope and change just tossed the repubs into the briar patch!
